Main areas of business - CORPORATE PROFILE

Uchida Yoko Group

Education, public market business

  • Educational ICT

    Building learning spaces for the cloud computing era that make use of each and every user console, based on a diverse range of educational ICT installation experience and school environment expertise
    • Creation of learning environments that facilitate ICT usage in interactive whiteboards,individual learning tablets and more.
    • Design, construction, and server building for educational intranets, cloud computingenvironments and more.
    • Comprehensive school affairs support systems to revolutionize teacher working styles.
    • Giga School initiative
    EduMall Cloud-based Educational Content Provision Service
    • Annual-membership-based, cloud-based digital content provision service comprising approximately 1,100 different materials, including digital dictionaries, student texts and more
    • Cumulatively introduce in 420 local governments and 7,500 elementary and junior high schools (as of January 2021)
    • Compatible with most school network environments
    L-Gate learning portal
    • A computer for every student with access to required applications and user management features
    • Complies with IMS technical standards
    School admin system
    • Student record integration feature combining enrollment details, grades, attendance and health information.
    • Adopted by Fukushima prefecture as preferred system for local government
    • Links with attendance tracking; paperless solutions for document notifications, event registration, travel management and attendance recording
    • IMS technical standard OneRoster provides combined data analysis from two sources—school administration and teaching and learning
    Deployment and environment set-up
    • One computer per student
    • Computer kitting
    • Design and deployment of education ICT environment including full cloud platform servers and networks
    • Security networks
    User support
    • ICT data verification, surveys, one-on-one interviews
    • Equipment and software training and network environment troubleshooting by ICT support staff
    • Class design, programming instruction, English language support
    • ICT skills training for teachers
    Operation and maintenance services
    • Multi-vendor, multi-OS and multi-device hardware, software and systems maintenance
    • Dedicated school help desk
  • University ICT

    Evolved learning spaces for tertiary education settings
    • Active learning environments, simulated teaching environments, computer labs and CALL classrooms and infrastructure such as school-wide networks together with operational and support services
    • HI-FLEX learning environments and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environments
    • Solutions such as PAPYRUSMATE certificate issuing system designed to improve student services
  • University consulting

    Support for the application for newly constructing universities and establishing a faculty department
    • Support and information provision for the application for establishing a university department, or reorganizing/converting a department.
    • Total planning and provision of school equipment, fixture, teaching and ICT related materials to construct the optimal learning environment.
  • Offices for government agencies and ICT

    Support for Working Style Revolutions Aimed at the Realization of Digitally-based Government Operations
    • Realization of paper-free government operations, electronic document management and telecommuting work environments
    • Introduction of various ICT equipment to boost productivity
    • Network infrastructure building
    • Office layout design that promotes better communication, incorporates service design considerations, and offers other such benefits
    • Consulting services related to new government building construction and existing building renovations
    • Design and development of Individual Number Card registers
  • Public cloud service

    Cloud service that seamlessly connects schools, local governments, and regions
    • Cloud managed services that handle IT tasks for educational and municipal institutions at high security.
    • Uchida Shared Cloud Service provides cloud platforms tailored to client requirements (Microsoft Azure, Amazon WebServices, NIFCLOUD, LGWAN)
    • Uchida’s system engineers with deep business knowledge and advanced technical capabilities provide a onestop service from planning, designing, implementation to maintenance.
  • Core business systems, information on local residents, welfare business service

    Total support for promoting the informationization of local public entities
    • Optimization of administrative affairs, realization of digital government, and promotion of cloud systems for municipalities
    • Proposals for local-government cloud sharing operations
    • Support the construction and operation of an internal administrative system for resident information, taxes, welfare, and government affairs.
    • Provide child rearing support solutions such as child welfare, child consultations, etc.
    • “Kizuna” system, a solution for regional comprehensive support centers and nursing/welfare facilities.
    • Designing and construction of information network systems.
  • Teaching materials for schools

    Science/special support
    • Planning and development of teaching materials including science experiment equipment and special support
  • School facilities and equipment

    Designing school facilities from the perspective of teachers and classrooms
    • Proposals to design offices, etc. with layout designs and fixture plans of classroom environments and shared spaces.
    • Provide furnitecture, system storage furniture, etc. for newly constructing, extending, renovating and extending the lifespan of schools.
    • Provide special classroom equipment such as science experiment benches, cooking tables, clothes, desks, etc.
  • Mail order business for schools

    Assortment of about 21,700 educational materials that can be used during lectures

    “UCHIDAS,” a membership mail orderservice that proposes and sells about 21,700 products that are necessary for school life including supplies for lectures, events, daily necessities, etc. to chools,kindergarten, nursery schools, etc. Teaching materials and equipment across all subjects at elementary, junior high and senior high school levels

  • Public facilities (welfare centers, hospitals and libraries)

    Procurement of furniture and fixtures accompanying the opening and remodeling of welfare facilities such as special nursing home for the elderly.
    • Universal designs, sign planning, fixture installation and space designs for hospitals and medical facilities.
    • Design layout of spaces, bookshelves and displays in museums and libraries; learning spaces incorporating locally sourced materials
    • Tourism facilities, airport immigration facilities, luggage inspection facilities
    • Interior construction and sale of equipment for child rearing support centers, museums, etc.
  • Library solutions using the ICT system

    Enrich the experience of users via a library system and reading passbook machines
    • Provide “ULiUS,” an ICT solution such as automatic lending machines, book collection inspections, etc. utilizing IC tags, to national public university libraries.
    • Implementation of “reading passbook machines” that imprint reading history data on passbooks by integrating with library systems.
  • Uchida Yoko Institute of Education

    Launched in 2006, the Uchida Yoko Institute of Education pursues a variety of "grand design" programs on the future of education, including research on behalf of research bodies in government and the tertiary education sector and validation studies in conjunction with various Boards of Education and public and private schools. The Institute operates a website for educators called